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Although the General Data Protection Regulation came into effect on 25th May 2018, many organisations remain at risk of prosecution or other enforcement through non-compliance, mainly due to not fully understanding what is involved or their legal obligations.

Audit and assimilation

If you are having difficulty managing GDPR within your organisation, perhaps not sure where to start, or would just like the reassurance that you are compliant, Hebborn Consultancy can take that pressure from you, and the perfect 'starting point would be for us to complete a detailed Audit and assimilation of your existing data control measures which will accurately identify the gaps in your current practices. After all, you need to know what is wrong before you can put it right!

Our detailed Audit Outcome Report identifies exactly shortfalls and vulnerabilities require attention for you to become compliant, and provide recommendations and scolutions.

Our service packages vary, dependent on your specific need. However, our initial consultation will always be free and without obligation or expectation.


We will always advise you of our fixed costs in advance, so there will be no surprises.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  and Data Solutions

Glowing Keyboard
 Young Woman Contemplating

We aim to take the headache of GDPR away from you and to help you understand your obligations. By use doing what we do best, leaves you to do the same.

If you have any further questions or would like to book a freeconsultation without obligation, please use the below link:

Does GDPR apply to me?

We often hear "GDPR doesn't apply to me, our company isn't big enough!"

Why not take this short test to see if you need to comply? (Opens in a new window)

How well do you comply with data protection law?

Another short assessment for small businesses and sole traders to help you understand if you are complying with the law: (Opens in new window)

If you passed the above test with flying colours, well done! If you didn't, don't worry - you are amongst many who are either prevented from sorting out their GDPR obligations through being too busy, or by some other reason. 

This is where we come in, we can save you time, money and of course give you peace of mind. With a free, no-obligation initial consultation, you have nothing to lose by making contact to see if we can help. For more information, please use the contact link on the left.

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